How is Kazidomi helping to make the world a better place?

Our mission is to encourage the transition to healthier, smarter and more sustainable ways of living and consuming.

Every year, millions of families are unable to buy quality products because they are too expensive. What's more, many live too far from cities to be able to access a range of quality products, or simply don't have access to the information they need to make the right decisions. These food health problems are a real burden on today's society, as they are the source of problems such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes and many others.

Throughout the year, we distribute free subscriptions to people in need. We do this either during campaigns or on the basis of spontaneous requests.

We also continually redistribute part of our sales to associations with which we work and whose values we share: environmental protection, women's rights, health, world hunger, Plastic Odyssey, etc.

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